Wednesday, July 16, 2008

i'm getting paid for this

Since I only have 2 days left at the current company I am working for I started to reminisce and think what my biggest time wasters at work were. Now even though I'm writing an entire blog entry about non work related activities I engage in while in the office, I'm pretty comfortable in saying that I work very hard. In fact, part of the reason I decided to leave this company was because I felt that for as much dedication I put into my job, I didn't feel that my efforts were being rewarded. But that's just me bitch bitch bitching....

So here is a list of some of my 3 most prominent "just fucking around" related task that I got paid to do.

3. Checking my bank of america account activity

I know that this doesn't look very interesting but this was one probably the only website that I wouldn't have to worry about if my boss were to catch me with it up on my computer. The reason I feel this way is because the job that I have now has us on bank websites all day, regardless of whether or not we are working or not. Plus if I ever get called out on it, there have been plenty of times that I have seen personal banking info on other people's computers as well. But if you tried to have fun with your money the way I do, then it would be a clear time killer. One thing I really like to do is try to find my purchasing history from past vacations or trips. But when I look back, I never try to use it to budget my future finances. For example, one time I tried to figure out how much money I spent in Europe 2 years ago. I can't remember how much it was but it was ridiculous.

2. Updating my fantasy baseball team

Surprisingly enough, yahoo sports somehow managed to sneak it's way through our company filters. I'm not ashamed to admit that my knowledge of the mlb players is rather poor. Prior to our online draft, I would say that I didn't know two-thirds of the top 30 players. But for some reason I managed to pick an awesome team and am in first place of the entire league. Luckily I really haven't had to add/drop many players either because all of them are staying relatively healthy. So whenever I look up my team at work I always just read the latest headlines about each of my players and decide which players to bench or play. This usually doesn't take out that much time of my day though. I would say 10 minutes max. It's not hard for me to make the decision that I should probably bench Kevin Youkilis who was complaining of vision problems after getting tagged in the face by a wild pitch from the game before.

1. Text Messaging

The problem with my text messaging habits at work is that they serve no informational purposes. Pretty much what I do is I'll be at work day dreaming and then think of something funny, whether it be a quote from The Office, a movie, or something one of us happened to say. Then I'll take that same exact thought and just send it to someone. Here are a couple examples of some text messages I have sent out.
1. "okay......correct"
2. "i'm fuct...but of 'blank' was here...she'd be fuct!!!"
3. "munich....ohhh munich!"
4. "robert's in the club....'so and so's' wants a thug"
5. "ah...taba (pinch checks)"


At 8 AM today, someone poisons the coffee. Do NOT drink the coffee. More instructions will follow.

Cordially, Future Dwight.